Swing Time Golf Relaunches With State-Of-The-Art Smart Targets
Tee Time golf At Dairy Creek (San Luis Obispo, CA) re-ignites its range with the next generation of interactive targets by SmartTarget.Golf for 2023. “Our new targets are a complete game changer and departure from the past,” says founder and designer, Robert Peterson. “Initially we had a bit of a challenge making targets for this downhill range that had little to no topsoil or earth to work with. From this, we created a target that incorporates both the angled berm and the target as one. This eliminates weeks of expensive groundwork and thus saves up to $40k in unseen costs.”
The new 2023 Smart Targets incorporate a steel frame and ballistic polycarbonate system that lights up both target rings and fringe banking. With many options now at a range’s disposal, venues with Toptracer, Inrange, or TrackMan scoring can now create a complete ‘bowling alley’ that keeps customers in their bays by providing a tee box to target experience that brings targets and scoring together is an evening of sound, light, and feedback.
Another great feature of the targets is our Smart Target durability and ability to maintain targets without effort. Since our steel superstructure is also your earthen berm, the targets provide a space inside the targets for a person to carry out all possible repairs without effort, winter or summer.
During this phase of development durability along with reliable sound and light response were paramount. By designing targets with a hollow center, we create a target that keeps all vital sensors and lighting dry and protected from weather, water, and golf ball impacts.
The other improvement we’ve made comes in the form of how we make our targets with a lamination of ballistic twin-wall polycarbonate, vinyl, and durable synthetic turf. Combining this with a robust steel frame, our new targets will stay beautiful and bright for years to come, in all conditions.
Stay tuned for next week and the debut of the Southern Dunes Toptracer range with 5 – 30ft targets. Orlando, FL